Let's Talk About CrossFit

CrossFit is a highly effective strength-and-conditioning program. We utilize functional movements such as power lifts, Olympic lifts, and gymnastics and blend them into a constantly varied format.

Our program delivers a fitness that is, by design, broad, general, and inclusive. Our specialty is building an all-around athlete who is competent in all general physical skills including endurance, stamina, strength, flexibility, power, speed, coordination, agility, balance, and accuracy.

The CrossFit program is designed to be universally scalable making it the perfect application for any committed individual regardless of experience. We’ve used our same routines for elderly individuals with heart disease and highly skilled athletes. We scale load and intensity so everyone can reach their full potential safely and effectively.

The best way to understand Crossfit is to come in and check it out for yourself. 

Getting Started

Are you new to CrossFit? Go to our Schedule page to sign up for a free introductory class. Email info@barxcrossfit.com for more information.

On Ramp Program

After your introductory visit you are ready to begin a series of four "On Ramp" sessions where you will learn all of the basic CrossFit movements. These are held at various times throughout the week. The price of this program is $99+tax and includes 4 1-hour sessions with one of our certified coaches.

What to Expect

  • We will introduce you to technique and mechanics first, then intensity.
  • We will be showing you movements that begin with the relatively non technical and progressively more technical so it is important that you are here for all of the sessions.
  • There will be a workout at the end of each day which will get  more challenging as the course progresses.
  • At the end of this program you will have an understanding of all the basic foundational movements that are necessary to begin regular classes.  Do not worry, the learning does not end with On Ramp, our regular classes will offer a small group coaching environment that offers the best possible coaching along with the camaraderie and support of your classmates and BARx family.